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Chinese is my native language and I can speak English well for working, living and reading. I have learned German in my university, but unluckily I forgot almost quite a lot as I didn't have the opportunity to use.

Personal Projects

Here are some open source projects I have participated:

  • Go SSA Book: A Guide to Learn Go SSA
  • Pivot-Lang: A rust-like language, I have added the EBNF syntax, supported some new features and help to refine some existing code. I focused on the parser and IR part, and I don't know much about the ir optimization and the gc.
  • Slinter: A Solidity Linter Writen in Haskell: The project is still work in progress, I have finished the AST parsing part and am developing the type/syntax check part.
  • Ast Json: the Go language json library which exposes the json AST structures to manipulate, it supports marshal only now.

Some Contributions and Discussions

  • contributed some refinements to golang/tools
  • contributed some guides for haskell co-log logging library.
  • improved the example and ci check in a rust llvm wrapper inkwell
  • fixed and maintain a haskell template library x-sum-type-boilerplate

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