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Request Sending Precedures in GRPC Client Side

As a developer, understanding the behaviors of grpc cannot keep away from the implementation. If we only know the high-level design but do not care about the implementation, we cannot get help in coding through our learning effects.

In this article, I will list some necessary concepts and draw some diagrams to understand implementation better.

Difference between RPC and Http Library

Rpc is a way to communicate between two processes in different hosts, underlying the network. Http also the most popular protocol communicating between server and client. We can also so any network could be a way to communicate between two processes.

However, what’s the differences between a network protocol and a rpc framework? I will try to explain it based on gRPC and http protocol. Note that it makes no sense to compare a protocol and a framework, they don’t stay in the same layer. This article mainly focus on what difference between a rpc framework and http library which is treated as a rpc framework.