本篇文章是上篇文章的延续,继续研读基督教及其伦理道德的相关概念。前两章比较系统的介绍了基督教受希腊文化和希伯来文化的影响, 同时详细介绍了从基督教诞生到宗教改革的一系列思想观点和对伦理道德的态度。 那么第三章主要开始阐述基督教的伦理道德在现代和后现代的发展。
Luther是不赞成世俗的(也就是亚里士多德的对伦理的认知),他认为这种伦理道德不适用于基督徒。而在现代伦理道德中,Immanuel Kant和John Stuart Mill寻求一种适用于所有人的伦理道德。
Mill的伦理道德与亚里士多德的相似,强调幸福作为人生的终点,但对于幸福的理解则成为了对享乐的追求和对痛苦的避免, 以及对好的事情极尽所能的追求。
Mill’s ethics is similar in some ways to Aristotle’s; it also sets forth happiness as our telos. But happiness is now understood specifically as the pursuit of pleasure and/or the diminishment of pain. Mill’s utilitarian ethic summons people to pursue the greatest good for the greatest number.
Kant的伦理道德观是义务论的,源自于古希腊单词*deontos*, 意思是“约束”。与功利主义或亚里士多德伦理相反,它没有每个行动的目的,而是假设我们应该遵循绝对命令,做正确的事,而不用担心后果。
Kant’s ethics is ‘deontological’, which comes from the Greek word deontos, which means ‘binding’. Contrary to a utilitarian or Aristotelian ethic, it does not have a telos to which every action aims, but assumes we should do the right thing without being preoccupied with the consequences by following the categorical imperative.
这些现代伦理发展的有趣之处在于,追求善的社会背景的变化。 柏拉图和亚里士多德时代是城市, 奥古斯丁和阿奎那是教会,Mill是在市场(Mill曾在最早的跨国公司东印度公司工作),而Kant在现代民族国家新型国际主义下。
Ethics for the modern nation¶
Habermas developed Kant’s thought in terms of the communal character of rationality. Reason is located neither in individual subjectivity nor in the cosmos, but in the pragmatic interactions among people.
politics emerges as an autonomous act of persons who come together in consensual acts. It is not produced from outside itself. It is in no sense a super-natural gift bestowed and received.
Modern ethics emerges when people no longer assume a common, transcendent good that pulls all desires towards it. Modern ethics might best be understood as either an acknowledgement that no such end exists or as a revolt against it.
In such a vast, moving expanse, many persons no longer find arguments for ‘the good’ persuasive. This is both our promise and our dilemma.
Doesn’t a modern ethics emerge because of the failure of Christian claims to goodness and truth? Perhaps, although careful study of this history would show it is more ambiguous than is popularly recognized.
十足军东征(Crusade), 是非常典型的一种失败,无论是神学上还是政治上。在随后发现新大陆的过程中,这个过程还在继续。那么在对于原住民的态度上,对于伦理道德的认知也就起到了一个至关重要的作用。比如Sepúlveda就援引亚里士多德的观点,认为有些人天生就是劣等的。
Sepúlveda, drawing on Aristotle’s argument that some persons are naturally inferior, argued that the Native Americans should be colonized because the natural law requires inferior persons to obey ‘those who are outstanding in virtue and character’. Las Casas disagreed, arguing that the Spaniards committing these atrocities were more ‘barbarian’ than the Indians Sepúlveda demeaned.
不过这种观点最终并没有被所有人接受,Francisco de Vitoria’s 援引自然法来驳斥了这种观点,他认为除非罪行违反了自然法,譬如使用人来祭祀,西班牙人才在法律意义上可以介入。尽管如此,这种观点影响了11-16th殖民和十字军东征的行为,形成了一种新形式的奴役。 奴役本身并不新鲜,在基督教和犹太教出现之前已经存在。犹太教制定了一些法规来缓解其残酷的现实,因为犹太人承认自己是埃及的奴隶(这也是旧约第二章的根基)。事实上,对于群人和被压迫者的关心大部分通过犹太教和基督教进入了西方文化,而非希腊文化。比如在旧约Leviticus中所言,奴隶将会获得自由。
In the Jubilee year, as Leviticus 25 stipulates, slaves were to be set free. The end of slavery was associated with the messianic vision, the time when God would restore creation to God’s intended purposes.
在新约Luke 4中基督耶稣也说,上帝派我来解放奴隶:
The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
even though the apostle Paul taught that in Christ there were neither free nor slave, which was associated with a new status brought about by baptism: As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
Most theologians, from Augustine to Las Casas, linked slavery and war. To make them slaves for life instead was regarded as a concession, almost a humanitarian gesture.’
If we are to speak truthfully about this history, we should avoid thinking that some anti-religious secular organization battled against Christians to free the masses from its authoritarian rule. Nor was it a contest between the dogmatic orthodox and liberal free-thinkers.
也就是说,我们不能轻易的将被反对的一方归结于更容易错误,而反驳的一方更加的正义。就奴役方面,很多并不是天主教的人同样拥有奴隶,很多人用同期他人的失败来强调自己的正义与成功,以此来达到同期的政治目标。 也就是说,对于这种事情的解释必须非常小心的避免道德话,也不能通过证明他人过去的失败来证明“我们”占据了道德的高点。
Any interpretation of these events must take care to avoid a ‘moralizing’ that only uses these past failures in order to demonstrate ‘our’ moral superiority An old adage states that the abuse of a thing does not remove its usefulness.